Aplikacje mobilne

Mobile applications

The development of mobile applications is a natural result of the propagation of mobile devices. Mobile applications are no longer just the domain of mobile phones, as they also run on tablets. Nowadays, mobile technology involves access to resources from any location and with the same functionality.

Audyty i bezpieczeństwo informacji

Audits and information security

The ‘starting point’, the ‘opening balance’, ‘establishment of actual state’... Auditors’ check-lists may have different names, but their meaning is the same: to verify the current situation, run a risk assessment and make recommendations.

Kolokacja i hosting

Colocation and hosting

The scalability and flexibility of our own technical infrastructure lies at the heart of Web & Art’s potential. We provide solutions based on optional ways of working together – SaaS, IaaS, PaaS.

Konfiguratory i kalkulatory

Configurators and calculators

At Web & Art we can assemble and maintain configurators for everything from diamond rings to computers and cars. In this regard, our services have no restrictions. The more complex the product, the greater the challenge to present it in a friendly way – and we love challenges.

Media społecznościowe

Social media

Does a company or institution have to exist everywhere on the Internet? What are the time and money costs associated with that? To such questions, there is no single answer, no standard cost estimation.

 Oprogramowanie i bazy danych na życzenie

Software and databases on request

At Web & Art we focus on developing our own solutions and frameworks. In terms of software we usually write in ​​C ++, C #, Java, PHP and Python.

Programy lojalnościowe

Loyalty programmes

Regularity in b2b and b2c relations is being increasingly valued by companies and institutions. Establishing and maintaining ties on the Internet requires a detailed plan and iron discipline. These must be made on a real and honest basis.

Projekty unijne

European Union projects

Obtaining European Union funds for development of projects not only requires innovative ideas. You have to calculate the funds during implementation and assess the long-term prospects too. Positive stimulus to the economy in terms of technological progress, income and jobs should also be taken into account.

Sklepy internetowe

Online shops

Each online shop is or will become a large company. Achievement of economies of scale can come at any time. The seller must then become not only a tradesman, but also an accountant, warehouse manager, logistician, merchandiser and lawyer, and the list of professions needed to be taken on is constantly growing.

Systemy CRM

CRM Systems

A well-prepared and implemented system of relationship management doesn’t only relate to a list of customers, as the broad definition of CRM also includes relations with contractors. The actual functionality of a CRM platform comes from the different characteristics of the entities using it.

Usługi integracyjne

Integration services

System integrators must have good staff and great facilities to achieve synergy in their services. At Web & Art, we have both.

Usługi public relations

Public relations

Shaping a positive relationship with the environment begins with verification of one’s own attitude. Only open communication can be reliable, and it should be carried out with a considered, long-term strategy using adequate tools such as press banks, newsletters, and social media.

Privacy Policy of the webandart.nu website

1. Definitions

Protecting your data is very important to us. In our Privacy Policy we inform you about the processing of your personal data by our company. Personal data include all information connected to an identified natural person. Processing means all operations relating to personal data. Responsible for the processing of personal data is the Controller.

2. Responsibility

The controller for processing your personal data is:
Web & Art sp. o.o.
ul. Jawornicka 8
60-161 Poznań
National Court Register: 000014109
e-mail: data@webandart.nu

3. The scope of processing

We collect personal data only for the purposes of contacting customers. We process personal data only in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (5/10/2018).

The personal data we process are: first name, last name, title, gender, address, telephone number, e-mail address, company, department, academic degrees).

When you visit the website, we collect:
- the date, time and duration of access,
- hits (the names of accessed sites and files),
- the IP address,
- referrer URL,
- the name of the service provider,
- the volume of data transferred,
- the operating system / browsers.

We do not process personal data related to:
- ID / passport numbers,
- incomes,
- cultural features,
- sensitive data.

Data processing in the context of cookies and user tracking is limited to the basic cookies.

4. Third parties

We do not outsource the processing of personal data to third parties. We also do not share personal data with them in any way. Personal data is processed only on the territory of the Republic of Poland.

5. Your rights

We will no longer process your personal data, in the event of an objection, unless:
- we can demonstrate valid legitimate grounds for data processing that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms,
- or your personal data is used to establish, assert or defend any legal claims.

In other case your request will be positively considered.

We provide the full right to access the collected personal data and to easily exercise this right at reasonable intervals to be aware of the processing and to be able to verify the lawfulness of the processing.

Update date: 9/23/2022